Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Where's the time going???!!
*Repeats lots of what you say - time to watch the language!
*Says "Thank you" and "Bless you" - hoping on please getting thrown in there soon.
*Eats with a utensil most of the time
*Knows when he dirties a diaper, but has zero interest in actually using a potty
*Can go to daycare and not cry when he gets dropped off - I don't know how I feel about this.... :)
and much much more!
Since I've been so busy with working out of the house and in the house, I'm sure I won't be back until Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Wait....It's Already November??
As for Halloween, Bubbie was a monkey and B and I were zookeepers. We had a little family party carving pumpkins. It took Bubbie a little while to warm up to all of the people in his house mainly because he was asleep when they all showed up. He wouldn't let me put him down - appropriatley hanging onto me like a monkey. He finally came around once my parents came over and loved playing outside for the majority of the day. I think he'd live outside if we let him.
We didn't take him trick-or-treating. I have issue with people bringing little kids who obviously can't eat candy to go. We had people at our house with little babies, like in the infant carrier car seats, out trick-or-treating for their kids. Yeah, just say it's for you. He did enjoy coming to check out the kids who did come to our door. We kept him up pretty late in the hopes that he'd adjust to the time change better (he didn't). One thing I was pretty bummed about was how few kids we did get this year. There were maybe 40, 50 tops. That's not a lot for our neighborhood. We did get a lot more compliments on our decorations than we have in the last few years, so that we cool. And we have a ridiculous amount of candy left, which is not so cool for my waistline...
Anyway, here are some photos of Bubbie as a monkey and his pumpkin picking adventures.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
She Lives!
Things have gotten better at daycare, aside from Bubbie get his finger smushed in a door. They have those door guards, but one broke and Bubbie found where it was supposed to be. Good times. He's doing really well though. I already have art projects and he's just turning into this little boy. He gives the best hugs ever and is just a happy kid.
I still wish I could stay home and miss my little man all day long. It's been kind of good interacting with other adults, but I'd still rather stay home...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 5
Daycare went great and we had dinner at the parentals - egg plant parmesean. It was sooo good. Bubbie even had some. All was well until 12:30 am when B and I were woken up be Bubbie howling crying. So in I go and discover Bubbie standing crying in his crib, which is not like him when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Then I smell that unmistakable smell of vomit. Yay. Bubbie threw up for the first time last night and it was disgusting. Just keep in mind dinner and you'll get an idea. So, I called B and while I cleaned up Bubbie, he had to change the crib sheet. What a PITA!
After he was cleaned up and had a few sips of water, Bubbie seemed ready to go back to bed. I laid him down and took the sheets and the blanket his great grandma made him downstairs to get the throwup off of them with some paper towels. While I was down there, Bubbie started crying again. B went in and got him into the bathroom just in time for Bubbie to throw up again. I think he may have had too much water. Fun. So, we had to take off his clothes, again, and clean him up. We just kept him in a diaper after that. Luckily, that was it for the vomitting and he went back to sleep after a little while until 6:30.
The sheets have been cleaned and now the washer is getting a cleaning too. Good times. He's currently asleep (it's 9:30 am here) after a bath that involved him crying the whole time. I think the getting sick business was the cherry on top of such a fan-freaking-tastic week. I'm hoping next week is better. Oh, and this morning, I woke up to find I had gotten my visit from Aunt Flo. Fun!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Smart Cars

Am I right or am I right?

We Have Progress!!
As for the true test - nap time.... Bubbie has napped twice a day for months and months. His class only does 1 nap a day. He of course decides to wake up at 5:30am (wtf?!) so making it to 12:30 seemed like asking a lot. Well, when we came to pick him up after naptime, the teachers told me that he was the first kid to go down (on cots no less!) and slept great. The only thing was that it was for 45 minutes, not his usual 1.5-2 hours.
They also used our cloth diapers today. I had gone over how to use them and gave them a little tip sheet on what to do with them. We use flushable liners to help with clean up of dirty diapers. So, I made sure to let them know to leave them in the diaper when they put them on Bubbie. I also told them to just put the whole diaper, contents and all, in the wetbag and I'd deal with it when I got home. However, the teachers felt weird about putting a poopy diaper in the bag (they thought it was kind of gross) so they took it upon themselves to empty the poopy diaper in the toliet! They have this little toliet thats really low to the floor for early potty trainers that they just dumped it into. I was stoked! Not only did they use them correctly, they made my clean up job easier! Yay for intelligent people.
Tomorrow we are dropping him off at his correct time and picking him up after nap. I'm crossing my fingers that he takes a longer nap (man he was a grump this afternoon). I'm just happy that he had a good day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hunger Strike
The Daycare Saga
Day 1 - My mom wanted to come with because she'll be picking Bubbie up pretty often. We get there at around 8 and stayed for about 30 minutes. Bubbie played and was pretty good while we were there. They went outside to play in the courtyard and my mom and I decided it was a good time to go. So I said goodbye, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him. As my mom and I left, Bubbie followed us to the double doors, which have glass centers, and watched us walk down the hall away from him. I couldn't look back. My mom said he watched for a little then went off to play. I left him there for about 1.5 hours and when I went to pick him up, he was eating snack at their tiny tables. I came up to him and said hi. He looked at me for a minute and started bawling. It was like, "Momma?! WTF?! Why did you leave me here?!?!" It was horrible.
Day 2 - Bubbie had an AWFUL night after day 1. He was really constipated and woke up at least 5 times. Boo. This led to a pretty crappy day at daycare. I dropped him off closer to 7:45 and he was cool. He got down, walked around, even smiled at one of the teachers. I was able to leave with no problem. When I came to pick him up, one of the teachers was holding him. They told me he didn't want to eat anything and was on and off crying the whole 3 hours he was there.
Day 3 - Today was the hardest day yet. We got there at 7:30 (I'm trying to go earlier and earlier for when I go back to work). He was already whining when we pulled into the parking lot. Great. So, we get into his classroom and I'm filling out a little form about when he woke up, ate, etc. and he is like a monkey on my hip. I tried to put him down to play while I filled it out, but no. Then it was time for me to go. I started to hand him over to a teacher and he started clinging. I had to force him over there as he kept lunging for me. Then he gave me the "saddest face in the world" and started crying. I gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and basically ran out of the room. I stole a quick look back through the glass on the door and he was howling reaching at the door for me. I quickly walked to my car, sat in the driver's seat, and commenced the crying.
Do you hear that sound??? It's the sound of my heart breaking. This sucks.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Pity Party, Table for One
I pretty much knew he was going to go since February, but now that the time has come, I'm so sad - heartbroken even. In fact, the day I found out I got a job, I was really excited. But that night, I sobbed in bed knowing that Bubbie would be going off to daycare. I hate that I'm not going to be with him all day, giving him kisses, snuggling with him, and watching him figure out fun things like pointing.
When we first walked in, I was struggling immediately knowing that in a week, he'd be there full time - from 6:30-4:30 every day. I had to suck back tears a bunch. The fact that the time has come is killing me. Next week, I'll be dropping him off for a few hours every day. By the end of the week, he'll be going almost all day. The following week, he'll be a daycare toddler. :(
I'm dreading the look he'll give me when I leave. I can't handle it. I'm tearing up right now thinking about it. I HATE THIS!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Where can I find a....
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
On a lighter note...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I hate this
But....I feel like I have to do the interview. We are basically not going to be able to pay our mortgage as of August and B hates, HATES his job. If I were to get a full time position, we'd be able to pay for the house and B would have more options in looking for a new job.
I hate this. And I hate money.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Trying not to cry
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Once again, I am a slacker
I only took leave from my old district because I was guaranteed a job when I came back off of leave. Well, as the end of the school year came rolling a around, I started applying for jobs up where I live. I've gotten interviews and I'm still waiting to hear if I got hired up here. My old district offered me a job that's 40 minutes from my house and just a sucky position.
They kept bugging me about taking it and after a week or two of asking for more time (to wait to hear about my interviews) I had to make a decision. So, B and I talked and decided that I was going to resign my guaranteed job and just wait and see if I got one of the positions nearer to my home.
I'm soooooo freaking anxious, worried, stressed..... What if I don't get hired? What are we going to do? We need the money to make the mortgage payments, but can't afford to get day care for a full time job on minimum wage. Please cross your fingers that one of the two jobs I interviewed for in the last two weeks offers me something.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hi! My name is Slacker!

Back to the was a lot of fun. We reserved a covered picnic area at one of the gazillion parks here and basically just had a bbq. We invited mostly family and a few friends. There was a big playground for the older kids to play on and everyone else just kind of hung out and ate. Good times. So, without further ado - here are some pictures from Bubbie's first birthday party. :)

I do have a pretty funny story about having his party at the park. So one of my nieces is a very friendly little 5 year old. She makes friends very easily and made of friend with one of the girls playing on the playground. I'm going to say this girl was around 8.
So, I'm sitting talking with some of our guests when this random little girl comes up and starts getting a drink out of our cooler. So I say to my niece, "Um, who's this?" "Oh, my friend," she says. I think to myself, alright, we have plenty of drinks. No harm done. Then my niece asks this little girl if she wants a hot dog or burger. Again, I'm like, okay...we have plenty of food, no big deal. So the little girl gets a hot dog, no bun, per request. Whatever. I really didn't have the heart to tell my niece that her new little friend couldn't share with us.
Well, next thing you know the girls are all looking at the cake. So I shoo them away telling them that it's not cake time yet. I'm glad we got a cake at Costco and had the plastic wrap still on it.
So then the little party crasher looks at me and says, "Well, I need my piece now because we're going to be leaving soon." Excuse me?? You NEED your cake NOW??? I don't even know who the heck you are! And YOUR cake, um that's Bubbie's cake and you aren't even a guest at this party!
I told them no and thought that was it. Well my mom took my nieces to use the bathroom and this little girl followed them and proceeded to tell my mom the same thing about needing her cake.
Needless to say, little girl didn't get any cake. I guess her grandma was "watching" her and didn't seem to care that she crashed our party. Klassy. I think that little girl has a future career as a wedding crasher.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Last Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day mommas!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy!!
Where did my little baby go??
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thanks Weather
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Holy Hot Weather Batman!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Green Monster
Needless to say, I was a little preoccupied while I was there feeding Bubbie, letting him test out the water, and basically being a mom. The girls all love him and were really happy we came to visit. As we were leaving to go home, the girls, lounging by the pool, started talking about their evening. They were having a slumber party (fun!!) and dinner together.
Next thing I know, I felt that twinge. You know, the twinge of jealousy for the lack of responsibility that they have. There they all were, hanging out by the pool, drinking their beer, and chatting about the fun they were going to have as I was packing up my son to take him home and praying that he'd take a nap in the car. I remember those days. It wasn't too long ago.
But then, I glanced at Bubbie's sweet little face and the jealousy evaporated. I mean, how could you not give all of that up for him? He's everything I ever wanted.
What's funny, is that I know they're all jealous of me....
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Teeth?? Maybe??
We've tried baby Motrin, but it seems to be so much worse when it wears off in the middle of the night. He wakes up screaming and we can't get him to calm down for easily an hour. Poor little guy.
On a lighter note, Bubbie is turning into such a little boy - chasing cats, playing peek-a-boo behind the couch, and just generally being fun! I can't believe he's going to be 1 soon. It makes me a little sad, but I know that we're going to have so much fun together as he gets older.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Awesome Layout
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I love
I had an especially heartwarming moment, for me at least, the other day while I did the dishes. We've turned our dining room into a safe play area for Bubbie the other day and there is only one way he can escape from this room - through the kitchen. So while he played, I cleaned dishes and straightened up the kitchen. As I washed, I heard him crawl in, with his little hands slapping on the tile floor. Next thing I know, he's crawled up behind me and pulled himself up on the backs of my legs and gave them a big hug. That leg hug made my heart sing. I love him.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a crawler!
I'm so excited that he's reaching these milestones, but good lord, I'm a nervous wreck. We have tile floors so every small tumble or fall can be pretty rough. The pulling up business is giving me gray hair. He pulls himself up and seems to forget that he's not really able to stand and just lets go. Cue fall straight back. On tile. But I've been right behind him every time that has happened and caught him before he busted his bean.
However, today was a craptastic day. He's definitely getting more teeth and didn't want his bottles. He was constipated from the meatballs he sampled last night. Then top it all of, the pulling up business landed him with a big goose egg and bruise on his forehead. Bubbie has decided that his cube bookshelf is not allowed to have books in it. He was pulling books out while leaning and arm on one of the vertical pieces when his arm gave way and he clocked himself on the corner of the piece. It looked like it really hurt and he was howling! My poor Bubbie. I feel so bad that I didn't have my hand there to block his head or that I just didn't catch him in time. The ironic thing is that Brad and I had just talked about switching out that bookshelf for a rounder one the night before.
When you have a mobile kid, you find sharp corners everywhere. At this rate, I think I'm going to have to go buy some hair dye soon.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Happy Day
Thursday, February 12, 2009
9 Month Stats
Length: 29 5/8"
Weight: 19.04oz
Head: 18.25"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Where's my pot o' gold?

We've had a lot of rain over the past fews days and yesterday the weather was just weird. There would be an intense downpour and then sunny skies as the storm moved through. In the midst of it all, B and I saw the most complete rainbow I've ever seen. It was awesome - a full arch where we could see what looked like the beginning and end. The weird thing was that we were going to get family pictures done with my parents and brother with the photographer that did our wedding. We got a rainbow that day too.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The $1200 Blanket
Emma was our first cat, our first furbaby. So in a panic, I called an emergency vet in our area who told me to bring her in for an xray. Sure enough, the needle was in there, but it was lying horizontally in her throat. The vet told me that they would have to use an endoscope and special tools to pull it out of her throat, which they couldn't do there. They had to check with another emergency vet about 20 minutes away to see if they could do the procedure there. Luckily they could. If they couldn't I would have had to go to another clinic about 1.5 hour away.
So right now, my poor cat Emma is being anesthetized, intubated, and scoped to get a stupid needle out. The blanket I sold for $14 has now cost me $1200. Damn.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Update on prior happy ending post
I feel so bad for the woman. She and her family had already taken this baby in their hearts be theirs. I know that the baby's father has rights, but honestly, the baby was born more than a month ago. Where was he then? Why didn't he "man up" when his son needed him most? I feels so terrible for them.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
We had a scare with Bubbie back in September caused by a simple photograph. I take lots of pictures of him and ran across one that had a very strange reflection in his eye. I know this is quite common, especially with digital cameras, but I decided to better be safe than sorry. My mom and I took Bubbie to his pediatrician just to get his eye checked. During the appointment, the doctor used that little eye light thing to take a peek into Bubbie's eyes. After a few minutes, he said that he might see something in there and that we had to take him to a pediatric opthamologist as soon as possible. This was on a Friday and our appointment was made for Monday morning. B was working but met us at the doctor's office after the appointment. Needless to say, we were all a mess. I have only seen my husband really cry once before then - when his sister died. He was so worried about our little boy.
After a very emotional and stressful weekend, we took Bubbie to the pediatric opthamologist. Bubbie was battling a cold and had to have his eyes dilated. He was not a happy camper. The doctor called us in and did the exam. After the longest 5 minutes of my life, he said that Bubbie's eyes were clear, both had astigmatisms and one was near sighted and the other far, but clear. The relief I felt at the moment was so immense that I had to keep myself from bursting into tears.
I only wish that more families could have that feeling of relief instead of the pain that they have felt from losing a child. I always have those families in my thoughts....always.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fun Sock Monkey Shirt Giveaway

If you like sock monkeys, check out this awesome giveaway at MamaMade is an Etsy shop with amazing baby goodies. It is run by a mom and she makes great stuff. Check it out!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Baby Survey
1. Were you married at the time? Yes
2. What were your reactions when you found out: We were trying so I was very excited and in disbelief. I remember coming downstairs with the test and asking B if he saw a line.
3. How old were you? 26
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I took an EPT test, then a digital one the next day just to confirm it with the word "pregnant."
5. Who did you tell first? B and then my parents and brother (and his family). We gave them baby shoes.
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yup!
7. Did you deliver early or late? 2 days early
9. Did you have morning sickness? Only once when I was in Chicago at 6 weeks.
11. Who irritated you the most? My students. I taught 6th grade and some of those gets just got under my skin.
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No, but we did end with a c-section after my water broke 12 hours earlier with meconium in it and even after using Pitocin, I stalled at 7cm.
15. Where did you give birth? San Diego
18. Who watched? Well, while I was in labor, B and my parents were there. My brother came by too. But, since I had a c-section, only B and a bunch of medical staff actual were there when Bubbie was born.
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Heck yes! I hadn't had any contractions and after my water broke I was having 1 every 3 minutes. It was like being induced. I got an epidural as soon as I could.
21. How much did your child weigh? 8lbs, 9 oz
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sad story with a happy ending
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Great Answer
Monday, January 19, 2009
Bubbie's first post
"bf ggg b b vhn 9b8iiiijnn rterdf gb bp[;l . frc hgv ;zC YFGVB"
I think that means, "My teeth hurt and I can't stop the drool from pouring out of my mouth." Well, he probably would have posted a whole lot more, but his typing starting getting crazy aggressive. Ha!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Top o' the Muffin to Ya!

Well that's good news
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
At least 4 teeth in there
Thursday, January 8, 2009
He's messing with me
Monday - sobbing crying after taking a whopping 45 minute nap; will not eat his bottle or chew on a wet washcloth which is usually the best thing since sliced bread for him; resorted to Baby Motrin to help with the pain; sleeps for 30 minutes and wakes up again still in a foul mood.
**Side note: why is Baby Motrin berry flavored? I mean, he doesn't eat anything remotely close to its flavor. It smells like cotton candy and he HATES it.
Tuesday - wakes up at 5:30am, good times; grumpy; sort of eating bottles; very clingy; takes two 45 minute naps
Wednesday - wakes up at 5 freaking 30 again! but in a good mood; sleeps for almost 2 hours for his first nap and 2 for his second; fabulous mood all day
WTF Bubbie?? Tuesday threw a wrench in our whole day with the lack of quality naps. I had planned on cleaning during his naps. So, Wednesday I was all set for him to take crappy naps. I put him down thinking that he'll be up any minute. So what do I do? Throw a load of diapers in the wash and fool around on the computer. I kept thinking, "Anytime now he'll wake up." I didn't want to start anything that I couldn't finish during his nap like washing the floors, which badly need it. Instead, I did nothing. He's messing with my head. I know it.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Part of the EcoNest
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A happy new year with a praying mantis

Happy New Year everyone! I'm hoping that this year is a good one. 2008 was rough for us. Probably the most stressful year of my life. I think the birth of our son was probably the only good thing that happened.
I have high hopes for 2009 with our new President. There are a lot of expectations on him to "save the world" from this horrible global economy.
On a lighter note, during a walk today with my mom and Bubbie, we spotted a praying mantis chilling on the sidewalk. They are supposedly good luck. I take this as a good omen being that it is the first day of 2009.
I hope you all had a Happy New Year!!