Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Boy oh Boy!

I just realized that after my last post, I never updated with the results of my ultrasound. Everything went really well, aside from having to keep my bladder full for an hour and a half. We also found out the sex of the baby. Let me just say that we were absolutely shocked that we are having another boy. I was so sure that we were having a girl just based on how different my pregnancy has been going.

My parents didn't want us to tell them until they could have my brother and his family over the next day. So, I baked a cake, dyed it blue inside, and covered it with about 2lbs of cream cheese frosting. Okay, maybe not 2 lbs, but it was a lot. Anyway, after dinner with the parentals, we cut the cake. My mom about fell over because she was sure that we were having a girl too. The family is super excited since my brother has 2 girls and now Bubbie will have a little compadre to get into trouble with.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Waiting for Tomorrow

We have our big ultrasound tomorrow and I'm so anxious! I know everything's okay, but until I get in there and actually get to see the baby, I'm going to be nervous.

We're hoping to find out the baby's gender, but my parents don't want us to tell them until Friday night. My dad is out of town on a business trip and my mom wants for find out with him. We're very close, my parents and I, so having to wait, especially since I have to pick up Bubbie from their house after, is going to be super hard!

My brother and his family are going to come over too. They're just getting pizza and I'm baking a cake colored with either pink or blue for them to cut into.

So, fingers and toes and eyes crossed that the baby is baking well in there!