As for Halloween, Bubbie was a monkey and B and I were zookeepers. We had a little family party carving pumpkins. It took Bubbie a little while to warm up to all of the people in his house mainly because he was asleep when they all showed up. He wouldn't let me put him down - appropriatley hanging onto me like a monkey. He finally came around once my parents came over and loved playing outside for the majority of the day. I think he'd live outside if we let him.
We didn't take him trick-or-treating. I have issue with people bringing little kids who obviously can't eat candy to go. We had people at our house with little babies, like in the infant carrier car seats, out trick-or-treating for their kids. Yeah, just say it's for you. He did enjoy coming to check out the kids who did come to our door. We kept him up pretty late in the hopes that he'd adjust to the time change better (he didn't). One thing I was pretty bummed about was how few kids we did get this year. There were maybe 40, 50 tops. That's not a lot for our neighborhood. We did get a lot more compliments on our decorations than we have in the last few years, so that we cool. And we have a ridiculous amount of candy left, which is not so cool for my waistline...
Anyway, here are some photos of Bubbie as a monkey and his pumpkin picking adventures.
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