Yay!! While Bubbie did cry when I left today, he did great at daycare today. I think the hunger strike is over. He ate his snack of yogurt and his fancy shmancy italian beef sandwich too. I just didn't realize that they don't do bibs in his class anymore and he had beef sandwich marks all over his shirt. Guess I'll be testing stainfighters a lot sooner than I thought.
As for the true test - nap time.... Bubbie has napped twice a day for months and months. His class only does 1 nap a day. He of course decides to wake up at 5:30am (wtf?!) so making it to 12:30 seemed like asking a lot. Well, when we came to pick him up after naptime, the teachers told me that he was the first kid to go down (on cots no less!) and slept great. The only thing was that it was for 45 minutes, not his usual 1.5-2 hours.
They also used our cloth diapers today. I had gone over how to use them and gave them a little tip sheet on what to do with them. We use flushable liners to help with clean up of dirty diapers. So, I made sure to let them know to leave them in the diaper when they put them on Bubbie. I also told them to just put the whole diaper, contents and all, in the wetbag and I'd deal with it when I got home. However, the teachers felt weird about putting a poopy diaper in the bag (they thought it was kind of gross) so they took it upon themselves to empty the poopy diaper in the toliet! They have this little toliet thats really low to the floor for early potty trainers that they just dumped it into. I was stoked! Not only did they use them correctly, they made my clean up job easier! Yay for intelligent people.
Tomorrow we are dropping him off at his correct time and picking him up after nap. I'm crossing my fingers that he takes a longer nap (man he was a grump this afternoon). I'm just happy that he had a good day.
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