Thursday, January 29, 2009

The apple doesn't fall far...

That's Bubbie on the left and me on the right. Just had to share.

Fun Sock Monkey Shirt Giveaway

If you like sock monkeys, check out this awesome giveaway at MamaMade is an Etsy shop with amazing baby goodies. It is run by a mom and she makes great stuff. Check it out!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Survey

I saw a this fun survey over at by JnJ04 on the Bump. It's all about you and your first baby.

My 1st baby

1. Were you married at the time? Yes

2. What were your reactions when you found out: We were trying so I was very excited and in disbelief. I remember coming downstairs with the test and asking B if he saw a line.

3. How old were you? 26

4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I took an EPT test, then a digital one the next day just to confirm it with the word "pregnant."

5. Who did you tell first? B and then my parents and brother (and his family). We gave them baby shoes.

6. Did you want to find out the sex? Yup!

7. Did you deliver early or late? 2 days early

8. Due date: May 10

9. Did you have morning sickness? Only once when I was in Chicago at 6 weeks.

10. What did you crave? Strawberry milk and yogurt. I swore my son was going to end up with red hair.

11. Who irritated you the most? My students. I taught 6th grade and some of those gets just got under my skin.

12. What was your first child’s Sex? Boy

13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 40 - but I think it was mostly water since I lost 30 during the 4 days after delivering Bubbie.

14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No, but we did end with a c-section after my water broke 12 hours earlier with meconium in it and even after using Pitocin, I stalled at 7cm.

15. Where did you give birth? San Diego

16. How long were you in labor? 12 hours from the time my water broke to the time Bubbie was delivered.

17. Who drove you to the hospital? B and my mom

18. Who watched? Well, while I was in labor, B and my parents were there. My brother came by too. But, since I had a c-section, only B and a bunch of medical staff actual were there when Bubbie was born.

19. Was it natural or c-section? C-section

20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Heck yes! I hadn't had any contractions and after my water broke I was having 1 every 3 minutes. It was like being induced. I got an epidural as soon as I could.

21. How much did your child weigh? 8lbs, 9 oz

22. What did you name him/her? N

23. How old is your first born today? 8 months, 2 weeks, 6 days (according to my ticker)


This is what happens to the lids of Bubbie's bottles when they fall into the bottom of the dishwasher and get stuck on the heating element. Oops. Guess I won't be putting those in there any more.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sad story with a happy ending

There's a woman in my mommy group that is truly inspiring. Right around Christmas, her cousin passed away from appendicitis. I have never heard of someone dying from that, but it happened. Sadly, she was also 7.5 months pregnant. They were able to save that baby and he is currently at the NICU. The baby has an un-named father and was destined for foster care. This woman, I'll call her Karen, could not see her cousin's child go off to foster care so she and her husband have decided to adopt the baby. There was bunch of legal stuff that happened because she was not first cousins with the girl. But, happily, she is going to get to take the baby home in a few weeks. Her own daughter just turned a year old and "Karen" will be able to nurse the baby. For her to take this baby into her home as her own, even nursing him, is such a noble act and I feel honored to be in a group with her. :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Great Answer

Mere7706 from the Bump posted this great answer to a the question about why friends with kids don't have time. Enjoy!


I feel so lucky today to be witnessing history unfolding before me as President Barack Obama took office. It's amazing that just 40 something years ago African American students could go to school with white students in some states and now we have an African Amercian president. I have high hopes for what he can do for our country.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bubbie's first post

Bubbie was fascinated with my laptop today, so I gambled and let him bang on the keys. Here's his first post on the blog:

"bf ggg b b vhn 9b8iiiijnn rterdf gb bp[;l . frc hgv ;zC YFGVB"

I think that means, "My teeth hurt and I can't stop the drool from pouring out of my mouth." Well, he probably would have posted a whole lot more, but his typing starting getting crazy aggressive. Ha!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Top o' the Muffin to Ya!

I'm making Amish Friendship bread tonight after the 10 day process of smushing the bag and waiting. I didn't have 2 large loaf pans, only 1. Soo, I used the large pan and decided to make muffins with the rest of the batter. The recipe I used called for dusting the pan after greasing with a combo of cinnamon and sugar. I figured that if I was going to do muffins, I'd do the same thing. Well, I'm not so sure that was such a good idea. The muffins finished before the bread so I let them cool expecting them to pull away from the sides of the pan like the bread does. Yeah, didn't happen. When I tried to take the muffins out of the tin, the tops popped right off. So now I have a few muffin tops and some mangled muffin bottoms. At least they taste good.

Well that's good news

We found out that B's paycut isn't as bad as we originally thought. I guess, payroll forgot to take out vacation for the days after Christmas and New Years (which were unpaid holidays) so he wasn't paid for about 18 hours. So, it's not going to be $350 less each check. The other bit of good news is that B is back on salary due to some adjustments within the company. I'm so happy about that. I've gotten so used to budgeting with the same amount in each check that I was worried about getting paychecks of different amounts. So, things are looking up. :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


We got B's latest paycheck today. Yeah, that pay cut really hurt. It was about $350 less than we are used to. Awesome. Looks like we are now having to deal with a $700 loss from his paychecks each month. I'm a little worried. I had to apply at Walmart today because they are actually hiring. So, hopefully with subbing and a possible part time job, we'll be able to make it until July when I start getting my teacher paycheck again. Let's pray for a good tax return...

Friday, January 9, 2009

At least 4 teeth in there

I checked and we actually have progress with Bubbie's teeth!! I can see 3 tooth buds and being that most of the time teeth come in pairs, I'm assuming there are at least 4 teeth coming in. Holy cow!! I didn't get any teeth until I was 8 months old and I got 4 at once. So, I wouldn't be surprised if there are more coming in on the top. Crazy!


That is the time Bubbie decided would be good to wake up today. 4 FREAKING 13 AM! Yesterday, he slept until 7am and took 2 phenomenal naps. I'm telling you he's messing with me!!!! I got him to stay in bed until 5, but had to rock him back to sleep. That took 30 minutes. He finally woke up for good at 6. I am so freaking tired. And, still, no teeth.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

He's messing with me

Bubbie is still teething. He has 0 teeth and has been having the classic teething signs for going on 3 months here. Good times. That being said, I have high hopes that he'll actually have some teeth by the end of the month. I didn't have any teeth until I was 8 months (which is today!) and I ended up getting 4 at once. As for him messing with me....over the past few days, he's been either super happy baby or hysterical crying baby.

Monday - sobbing crying after taking a whopping 45 minute nap; will not eat his bottle or chew on a wet washcloth which is usually the best thing since sliced bread for him; resorted to Baby Motrin to help with the pain; sleeps for 30 minutes and wakes up again still in a foul mood.
**Side note: why is Baby Motrin berry flavored? I mean, he doesn't eat anything remotely close to its flavor. It smells like cotton candy and he HATES it.

Tuesday - wakes up at 5:30am, good times; grumpy; sort of eating bottles; very clingy; takes two 45 minute naps

Wednesday - wakes up at 5 freaking 30 again! but in a good mood; sleeps for almost 2 hours for his first nap and 2 for his second; fabulous mood all day

WTF Bubbie?? Tuesday threw a wrench in our whole day with the lack of quality naps. I had planned on cleaning during his naps. So, Wednesday I was all set for him to take crappy naps. I put him down thinking that he'll be up any minute. So what do I do? Throw a load of diapers in the wash and fool around on the computer. I kept thinking, "Anytime now he'll wake up." I didn't want to start anything that I couldn't finish during his nap like washing the floors, which badly need it. Instead, I did nothing. He's messing with my head. I know it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Part of the EcoNest

I am now a member of the EcoNest - Eco Friendly Nesties Etsy Team. That also means that I am part of their blog where I can post. If you are interested in the kinds of cool items created by this team, search team econest on Etsy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A happy new year with a praying mantis

Happy New Year everyone! I'm hoping that this year is a good one. 2008 was rough for us. Probably the most stressful year of my life. I think the birth of our son was probably the only good thing that happened.

I have high hopes for 2009 with our new President. There are a lot of expectations on him to "save the world" from this horrible global economy.

On a lighter note, during a walk today with my mom and Bubbie, we spotted a praying mantis chilling on the sidewalk. They are supposedly good luck. I take this as a good omen being that it is the first day of 2009.

I hope you all had a Happy New Year!!