Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 5
Bubbie had a fantastic day at daycare on Friday. He ate, napped, and just overall had a great day. He decided to wake up ridiculously early though and ended up taking an impromptu nap in the book nook on the pillows there for about 10 minutes. His teachers took a picture for me which is cool. Bubbie also got to see hula dancers that came to the center. He was pretty tired and ended up just leaning up against his teacher quietly watching the show.
Daycare went great and we had dinner at the parentals - egg plant parmesean. It was sooo good. Bubbie even had some. All was well until 12:30 am when B and I were woken up be Bubbie howling crying. So in I go and discover Bubbie standing crying in his crib, which is not like him when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Then I smell that unmistakable smell of vomit. Yay. Bubbie threw up for the first time last night and it was disgusting. Just keep in mind dinner and you'll get an idea. So, I called B and while I cleaned up Bubbie, he had to change the crib sheet. What a PITA!
After he was cleaned up and had a few sips of water, Bubbie seemed ready to go back to bed. I laid him down and took the sheets and the blanket his great grandma made him downstairs to get the throwup off of them with some paper towels. While I was down there, Bubbie started crying again. B went in and got him into the bathroom just in time for Bubbie to throw up again. I think he may have had too much water. Fun. So, we had to take off his clothes, again, and clean him up. We just kept him in a diaper after that. Luckily, that was it for the vomitting and he went back to sleep after a little while until 6:30.
The sheets have been cleaned and now the washer is getting a cleaning too. Good times. He's currently asleep (it's 9:30 am here) after a bath that involved him crying the whole time. I think the getting sick business was the cherry on top of such a fan-freaking-tastic week. I'm hoping next week is better. Oh, and this morning, I woke up to find I had gotten my visit from Aunt Flo. Fun!
Daycare went great and we had dinner at the parentals - egg plant parmesean. It was sooo good. Bubbie even had some. All was well until 12:30 am when B and I were woken up be Bubbie howling crying. So in I go and discover Bubbie standing crying in his crib, which is not like him when he wakes up in the middle of the night. Then I smell that unmistakable smell of vomit. Yay. Bubbie threw up for the first time last night and it was disgusting. Just keep in mind dinner and you'll get an idea. So, I called B and while I cleaned up Bubbie, he had to change the crib sheet. What a PITA!
After he was cleaned up and had a few sips of water, Bubbie seemed ready to go back to bed. I laid him down and took the sheets and the blanket his great grandma made him downstairs to get the throwup off of them with some paper towels. While I was down there, Bubbie started crying again. B went in and got him into the bathroom just in time for Bubbie to throw up again. I think he may have had too much water. Fun. So, we had to take off his clothes, again, and clean him up. We just kept him in a diaper after that. Luckily, that was it for the vomitting and he went back to sleep after a little while until 6:30.
The sheets have been cleaned and now the washer is getting a cleaning too. Good times. He's currently asleep (it's 9:30 am here) after a bath that involved him crying the whole time. I think the getting sick business was the cherry on top of such a fan-freaking-tastic week. I'm hoping next week is better. Oh, and this morning, I woke up to find I had gotten my visit from Aunt Flo. Fun!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Smart Cars

Am I right or am I right?

We Have Progress!!
Yay!! While Bubbie did cry when I left today, he did great at daycare today. I think the hunger strike is over. He ate his snack of yogurt and his fancy shmancy italian beef sandwich too. I just didn't realize that they don't do bibs in his class anymore and he had beef sandwich marks all over his shirt. Guess I'll be testing stainfighters a lot sooner than I thought.
As for the true test - nap time.... Bubbie has napped twice a day for months and months. His class only does 1 nap a day. He of course decides to wake up at 5:30am (wtf?!) so making it to 12:30 seemed like asking a lot. Well, when we came to pick him up after naptime, the teachers told me that he was the first kid to go down (on cots no less!) and slept great. The only thing was that it was for 45 minutes, not his usual 1.5-2 hours.
They also used our cloth diapers today. I had gone over how to use them and gave them a little tip sheet on what to do with them. We use flushable liners to help with clean up of dirty diapers. So, I made sure to let them know to leave them in the diaper when they put them on Bubbie. I also told them to just put the whole diaper, contents and all, in the wetbag and I'd deal with it when I got home. However, the teachers felt weird about putting a poopy diaper in the bag (they thought it was kind of gross) so they took it upon themselves to empty the poopy diaper in the toliet! They have this little toliet thats really low to the floor for early potty trainers that they just dumped it into. I was stoked! Not only did they use them correctly, they made my clean up job easier! Yay for intelligent people.
Tomorrow we are dropping him off at his correct time and picking him up after nap. I'm crossing my fingers that he takes a longer nap (man he was a grump this afternoon). I'm just happy that he had a good day.
As for the true test - nap time.... Bubbie has napped twice a day for months and months. His class only does 1 nap a day. He of course decides to wake up at 5:30am (wtf?!) so making it to 12:30 seemed like asking a lot. Well, when we came to pick him up after naptime, the teachers told me that he was the first kid to go down (on cots no less!) and slept great. The only thing was that it was for 45 minutes, not his usual 1.5-2 hours.
They also used our cloth diapers today. I had gone over how to use them and gave them a little tip sheet on what to do with them. We use flushable liners to help with clean up of dirty diapers. So, I made sure to let them know to leave them in the diaper when they put them on Bubbie. I also told them to just put the whole diaper, contents and all, in the wetbag and I'd deal with it when I got home. However, the teachers felt weird about putting a poopy diaper in the bag (they thought it was kind of gross) so they took it upon themselves to empty the poopy diaper in the toliet! They have this little toliet thats really low to the floor for early potty trainers that they just dumped it into. I was stoked! Not only did they use them correctly, they made my clean up job easier! Yay for intelligent people.
Tomorrow we are dropping him off at his correct time and picking him up after nap. I'm crossing my fingers that he takes a longer nap (man he was a grump this afternoon). I'm just happy that he had a good day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hunger Strike
Bubbie has now decided to not eat anything at daycare. He ate before we left at 6:45 and refused to eat anything until I brought him home at 12:15. Ridiculous!! He can control whether or not he eats. The teachers said it's pretty common. I'm hoping it doesn't last too long and Bubbie will start eating at "school." Argh.
The Daycare Saga
Okay, we're on day 3 of leaving Bubbie at daycare. Here's how's it's gone:
Day 1 - My mom wanted to come with because she'll be picking Bubbie up pretty often. We get there at around 8 and stayed for about 30 minutes. Bubbie played and was pretty good while we were there. They went outside to play in the courtyard and my mom and I decided it was a good time to go. So I said goodbye, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him. As my mom and I left, Bubbie followed us to the double doors, which have glass centers, and watched us walk down the hall away from him. I couldn't look back. My mom said he watched for a little then went off to play. I left him there for about 1.5 hours and when I went to pick him up, he was eating snack at their tiny tables. I came up to him and said hi. He looked at me for a minute and started bawling. It was like, "Momma?! WTF?! Why did you leave me here?!?!" It was horrible.
Day 2 - Bubbie had an AWFUL night after day 1. He was really constipated and woke up at least 5 times. Boo. This led to a pretty crappy day at daycare. I dropped him off closer to 7:45 and he was cool. He got down, walked around, even smiled at one of the teachers. I was able to leave with no problem. When I came to pick him up, one of the teachers was holding him. They told me he didn't want to eat anything and was on and off crying the whole 3 hours he was there.
Day 3 - Today was the hardest day yet. We got there at 7:30 (I'm trying to go earlier and earlier for when I go back to work). He was already whining when we pulled into the parking lot. Great. So, we get into his classroom and I'm filling out a little form about when he woke up, ate, etc. and he is like a monkey on my hip. I tried to put him down to play while I filled it out, but no. Then it was time for me to go. I started to hand him over to a teacher and he started clinging. I had to force him over there as he kept lunging for me. Then he gave me the "saddest face in the world" and started crying. I gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and basically ran out of the room. I stole a quick look back through the glass on the door and he was howling reaching at the door for me. I quickly walked to my car, sat in the driver's seat, and commenced the crying.
Do you hear that sound??? It's the sound of my heart breaking. This sucks.
Day 1 - My mom wanted to come with because she'll be picking Bubbie up pretty often. We get there at around 8 and stayed for about 30 minutes. Bubbie played and was pretty good while we were there. They went outside to play in the courtyard and my mom and I decided it was a good time to go. So I said goodbye, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him. As my mom and I left, Bubbie followed us to the double doors, which have glass centers, and watched us walk down the hall away from him. I couldn't look back. My mom said he watched for a little then went off to play. I left him there for about 1.5 hours and when I went to pick him up, he was eating snack at their tiny tables. I came up to him and said hi. He looked at me for a minute and started bawling. It was like, "Momma?! WTF?! Why did you leave me here?!?!" It was horrible.
Day 2 - Bubbie had an AWFUL night after day 1. He was really constipated and woke up at least 5 times. Boo. This led to a pretty crappy day at daycare. I dropped him off closer to 7:45 and he was cool. He got down, walked around, even smiled at one of the teachers. I was able to leave with no problem. When I came to pick him up, one of the teachers was holding him. They told me he didn't want to eat anything and was on and off crying the whole 3 hours he was there.
Day 3 - Today was the hardest day yet. We got there at 7:30 (I'm trying to go earlier and earlier for when I go back to work). He was already whining when we pulled into the parking lot. Great. So, we get into his classroom and I'm filling out a little form about when he woke up, ate, etc. and he is like a monkey on my hip. I tried to put him down to play while I filled it out, but no. Then it was time for me to go. I started to hand him over to a teacher and he started clinging. I had to force him over there as he kept lunging for me. Then he gave me the "saddest face in the world" and started crying. I gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and basically ran out of the room. I stole a quick look back through the glass on the door and he was howling reaching at the door for me. I quickly walked to my car, sat in the driver's seat, and commenced the crying.
Do you hear that sound??? It's the sound of my heart breaking. This sucks.
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