Tuesday, November 30, 2010

38 weeks!

So, yeah, it's been awhile. Looking back at my last post, I was going to my 3 hour glucose test and we hadn't had our second ultrasound yet. I passed the 3 hour test and Deuce's ultrasound came back clear - no more cysts! Yay!

Now we are just in a holding pattern, waiting for Deuce to make his appearance. I hoping for a VBAC but have a c-section scheduled if I go a week over because they will not induce a VBAC. I'm crossing my fingers that it all works out okay because I really don't want to have another c-section.

Bubbie is doing well. He's speaking very well and only having a little bit of a set back with the whole potty training thing. We've just had to remind him more to tell us when he needs to go since we've been slacking.

So, we wait!

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