Saturday, November 29, 2008
Teething's other bit of fun
As I've said before, teething sucks. My poor little guy still doesn't have any teeth, but I believe the teething gods are striking again. He's been so drooly and chewing on EVERYTHING! Now, he's getting the fun of excess drool diaper rash. Basically the drool makes him poop way too much and his poor butt gets all red and painful. :( This started this morning and by this afternoon, every time we changed him and touched him with a wipe, he'd start screaming and crying. I'm hoping that we can get this under control tomorrow. I hate to see him in pain. I hope these teeth make their appearance soon because 3 weeks of this has be terrible. Damn you teething gods, damn you.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Fun blocks for Bubbie
I'm making Bubbie some fabric blocks for Christmas with that spell out his name. Here's the first one of 6. For some reason, the squares came out a little wonky, but I still think it's cute.

The sides with the letters are made of flannel. The print fabric is Michael Miller Retro Rocket Rascal and the white is minkee. Just have 5 more to go!

The sides with the letters are made of flannel. The print fabric is Michael Miller Retro Rocket Rascal and the white is minkee. Just have 5 more to go!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Jumperoo video
I thought I'd post the video of Bubbie's first time in his Jumperoo. When he first got in it, all he wanted to do was play with the toys. Then, he realized that "Hey! I can bounce in this thing!" So great.
Ladies and Gentemen, we have a pincher
Somehow, Bubbie's tiny baby hands have mastered the art of pinching. How he gets his hands around the skin on your neck or your hands is beyond me. And man, it hurts!! He got me this morning while he was eating his bottle. I have to face him out from me now so he can look around, but he still likes to reach back and grab. Sometimes, he'll grab my hair, but this morning he grabbed a handful of neck skin and pinched. It hurt sooo freaking bad.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Jumperoo I love you!
We got Bubbie a Jumperoo for Christmas and gave it to him early. I think it's the greatest thing ever. He loves it! I think he would stay in it for hours if we let him. Thank you Fisher Price for making such an awesome toy. :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Moving over!
I've decided to move my blog over to blogger so, the previous posts are actually from my old blog. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Teething Sucks
It really does. Bubbie started teething last week and has been chewing on things and drooling like crazy for the past week. He had is 6 month shots yesterday and those were okay. Last night was pure hell though. During the day, there was no sign of a tooth, but I think it started to push through at around 11:30 last night. Bubbie kept waking up and crying in pain. It was terrible. This morning, there’s a little white bump on his gums. I’m hoping it pops through soon so he can feel better. His nose has been running and he just keeps crying. Thank god for baby Motrin and Orajel (we use the tiniest amount). Poor baby.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Yesterday was B’s and my 2 year anniversary. If you would have asked me 2 years ago if we would have a 6 month old on this day, I would have told you that you were crazy. I wouldn’t change it for the world. It was our first anniversary as parents and a little different than we expected. Last year, we went out for a nice dinner, which I couldn’t drink at since I was pregnant. This year, we took Bubbie to Carter’s and got him some clothes and then had to deal with the fun of teething. Our fancy dinner was Pick Up Stix and B surprised me with a cake from Albertson’s. Oh how things have changed.

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Happy Half Birthday Bubbie!
Little man is now 6th months old and I don’t know where the time has gone. Before I know it, he’ll be walking and talking. Yikes!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Bubbie is on the move!
Okay, he’s not crawling, but man has he mastered rolling. He’s rolling all over the crib at night and has started rolling around to get to things. I think he’s starting to cut some teeth though. Poor little guy (and Mom and Dad). Hopefully he won’t take too long.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Equality for all?
I’m so disappointed in California today. After voting for change and electing Obama as president, the majority of voters in California voted to take the rights away from gay and lesbian couples. I am disgusted in the fact that the CA constitution will be changed to single out these couples. I just don’t get it. I know some pretty stupid straight people who got married on a whim. Shockingly, they divorced. However, I also know some gay and lesbian couples who have been together as long as my parents. They love each other and are devoted to one another, yet, because of their sexual orientation, they are not allowed to marry. That’s such crap!! And for those people who say that it’s sinful for gay or lesbian couples to marry, I seem to remember that black and white people were not allowed to marry because people thought it was wrong. How is this any different? Grrrr…
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