Well hello there neglected blog! I realized today that it's already the middle of June and I have yet to do any sort of updates. Here's what's been happening in my life:
*Bubbie is awesome. He's still throwing tantrums every once and while, as well as working on the potty training, but he's such a loving boy. I just can't believe that he's going to be heading off to preschool in September already. I feel like I just brought him home.
*Bubbie's birthday trip to Disneyland was a big fat fail. We were there a total of 2 hours in which he started running a major fever. By the time we got home and I could check his temperature, it was at 102.6. Good times. Hopefully, we'll have a do-over next month.
*Z is growing and growing - already 6 months old! Talents include: laughing, jumping like a maniac in his jumperoo, rolling, sitting up for short bursts, shrieking, eating his toes and generally being adorable. He is still a beast to get to sleep, but we're working on it.
*B and I have decided that we're going to be moving sometime in the next few months. Our house has depreciated in value so much and we just don't foresee it increasing to the level we bought at for years and years. We're hoping to rent a place for a while until our credit recovers from whatever we end up doing.
It's been a crazy few months and I can't believe this year is already halfway over. I'm already starting to think about what to do for Z's birthday party. Ridiculous! Just cross your fingers for us that the housing stuff works out, Z starts sleeping better, and that Bubbie is fully potty trained by September for preschool!