I'm such a slacker. I just read my last post about how it was already November and here we are in December. Rather than lament about how quickly time is going by with my little boy, I thought I'd share what he's been doing these days. So, here are some of Bubbie's latest tricks!
*Repeats lots of what you say - time to watch the language!
*Says "Thank you" and "Bless you" - hoping on please getting thrown in there soon.
*Eats with a utensil most of the time
*Knows when he dirties a diaper, but has zero interest in actually using a potty
*Can go to daycare and not cry when he gets dropped off - I don't know how I feel about this.... :)
and much much more!
Since I've been so busy with working out of the house and in the house, I'm sure I won't be back until January...so Happy Holidays!