Being Bubbie's mom. I love it. Yes, it's tiring, especially when he feels that 5am is a good wake up time. But when I see his smiling face every day, I melt. Now that he's crawling and pulling up, my days are filled with chasing Bubbie down and keeping him from eating the cats' food. It's so amazing seeing how much he has changed and grown over the past 10.5 months.
I had an especially heartwarming moment, for me at least, the other day while I did the dishes. We've turned our dining room into a safe play area for Bubbie the other day and there is only one way he can escape from this room - through the kitchen. So while he played, I cleaned dishes and straightened up the kitchen. As I washed, I heard him crawl in, with his little hands slapping on the tile floor. Next thing I know, he's crawled up behind me and pulled himself up on the backs of my legs and gave them a big hug. That leg hug made my heart sing. I love him.